

The opportunity to study computer science in a global technology leader like China only comes around once in a lifetime. 

That opportunity is now open to students around the world, thanks to a new dual-degree partnership between Malaysia’s Quest International University (QIU) and China’s Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT). 

Students who register for this four-year programme will spend their first two years in QIU, before continuing the final two years at BIT. 

Upon successful completion of the dual-degree programme, they will be awarded a Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) degree from QIU and a Bachelor of Science degree from BIT—which could open new windows of career opportunity across the globe. 

This exciting collaboration was launched after both parties inked a memorandum of agreement (MoA) to kickstart a strategic partnership between the two institutions. The agreement was signed by QIU Chief Operating Officer Mr Nicholas Goh and BIT Vice-President Mr Wang Bo.

Goh said the dual degree was one of the many unique learning opportunities provided by QIU. 

“Our founder Dato’ Seri Dr Vijay Eswaran has a vision that QIU must be more than a degree mill. We give our students the chance to have an extraordinary student life with opportunities that they might not get anywhere else. This programme combines two years of QIU’s experiential industry-based learning with the chance to study at one of China’s leading science and technology universities,” he said. 

“Learning is more than what is said or done in a classroom; it is a holistic experience. Studying in a different country is the ideal way to gain new skills, perspectives and opportunities that will make you a more valuable asset in the modern job market.”

Director of BIT’s International Students Office Ms. Wang Ying added: 

“BIT has received a lot of students from Malaysia in recent years and has been looking for ways to establish even closer ties with universities in Malaysia. QIU is a prestigious comprehensive research-led university. The dual-degree program with QIU takes us to a new chapter of international education.” 

“As one of the top science and technology universities in China, we are very delighted to offer this opportunity to undergraduates of QIU to pursue their education through our Bachelor’s Degree programme in computer science. The degree will position students to meet challenges and needs across the globe. We are eager to welcome our dual-degree students at BIT campus soon.” 

To be a part of this exciting programme, contact Ms Li Rui Solehah at 012-2021314.  



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Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
 1 Jul6 JulRegistration – 1 Jul (Mon)
 ** Orientation Week
2 – 6 Jul (Tue – Sat)
 *8 Jul Awal Muharram9 Jul13 JulWeek 1 – Class Starts (9 Jul)
 15 Jul20 JulWeek 2
 22 Jul27 JulWeek 3
 29 Jul3 AugWeek 4
 5 Aug10 AugWeek 5
 12 Aug17 AugWeek 6
 19 Aug24 AugWeek 7
  26-Aug31-AugWeek 8


7-SepWeek 9


 14-SepWeek 10

16-Sep Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday & Malaysia Day


 21-SepWeek 11


28-SepWeek 12
 30-Sep 5-OctWeek 13
  7-Oct 12-OctWeek 14
 14-Oct16-Oct Self Study


 19-Oct Final Examination
 21-Oct 25-Oct Final Examination
  28-Oct 29-Oct Final Examination
31-Oct Deepavali30-Oct 2-Nov Semester Break
1-Nov Sultan of Perak’s Birthday
  4-Nov 9-Nov Semester Break
  11 Nov 17 Nov Semester Break

* When a public holiday falls on Sunday, the holiday is substituted with the following working Monday/ working day

**Orientation (Jul 2024 sem) – Not compulsary for returning students

Note: The University reserves the right to amend as and when required

Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
   Registration (12 Oct) – Sat
  14-Oct18-OctOrientation Week (14 Oct – 18 Oct)
 21-Oct25-OctWeek 1 – Class starts (21 Oct)
31-Oct Thu Deepavali28-Oct2-NovDeepavali Break
1-Nov Fri Sultan of Perak’s Birthday4-Nov8-NovWeek 2
 11 Nov15 NovWeek 3
Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
 18-Nov  **Registration & Orientation – 18 Nov (Mon)
  19-Nov  23-Nov Week 1 – Class starts for all (19 Nov)
 25-Nov30-NovWeek 2
 2-Dec7-DecWeek 3
 9-Dec14-DecWeek 4
 16-Dec21-DecWeek 5
25-Dec Wed Christmas Day23-Dec28-DecWeek
1-Jan Wed New Year30-Dec4-JanWeek 7
 6-Jan11-JanWeek 8
 13-Jan18-JanWeek 9


25-JanWeek 10
29 Jan Wed Chinese New Year27-Jan1-FebMid-sem Break
 3-Feb8-FebWeek 11
11 Feb Tue Thaipusam10-Feb15-FebWeek 12
 17-Feb22-FebWeek 13
 24-Feb1-MarWeek 14
 3-Mar8-MarStudy Week
 10-Mar15-Mar Final Examination
17 Mar Mon Nuzul Al-Quran17-Mar22-Mar Final Examination
 24-Mar29-Mar Semester Break
31 Mar Mon Hari Raya Aidilfitri31-Mar5-Apr Semester Break
 7-Apr12-Apr Semester Break

* When a public holiday falls on Sunday, the holiday is substituted with the following working Monday/ working day

**Registration and Orientation (Nov 2024 sem) – for late registration students who did not manage to go through orientation in MOOC semester

Note: The University reserves the right to amend as and when required