You are now on QIU’s official main website. Please note that all sites and pages published by QIU have a URL starting with qiu.edu.my. For more information, click here.

Knowledge, the eternal Quest...

"We believe that planting the seeds of curiosity in students from the outset will inspire them to make knowledge-seeking their quest in life."

Quest International University (QIU) is a comprehensive, research-led private university in Ipoh. When QIU was launched in 2008, we had a goal in mind of being more than a degree mill.

Any university can provide its graduates with a degree and an education. But we’re here to produce graduates who change the game. Innovators who leave a legacy in their creations. Leaders who push for positive change. And above all, to produce good people—caring, responsible, respectable individuals who care for their fellow man and the world around them. They are the QIU legacy.

We have made our home in the beautiful state of Perak. Click here to see how we teach, our programmes and our facilities. Or just chat with us.


The University aspires to be a model research-led private university with global strategic linkages oriented to deliver quality programmes and interdisciplinary research of international standing.


  • To offer cutting-edge, market-driven undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the Medical and Allied Health Sciences, Pure and Applied Sciences, Engineering, Computer Technology, Business and Management, and Social Sciences fields that impact the local and global knowledge-economy.
  • To promote research and innovation in frontier disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas of study in its various programmes with collaborative links to premier universities and centres of excellence.
  • To promote student-centred learning and impart holistic education through extracurricular activities and soft skills training, including clinical/industrial exposure and technopreneurship training.
  • To be an outward-looking university that works closely with all segments of community and industry and thereby serve as a geographical focal point for socio-economic development of the State.

The QIU experience is centred around our unique brand of experiential learning, across Foundation, Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Postgraduate and professional education programmes. From medicine to mechatronics engineering, pharmacy to psychology, or advertising to accounting, we believe that we’ve got the education pathway you need to achieve your dreams. 


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Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
 1 Jul6 JulRegistration – 1 Jul (Mon)
 ** Orientation Week
2 – 6 Jul (Tue – Sat)
 *8 Jul Awal Muharram9 Jul13 JulWeek 1 – Class Starts (9 Jul)
 15 Jul20 JulWeek 2
 22 Jul27 JulWeek 3
 29 Jul3 AugWeek 4
 5 Aug10 AugWeek 5
 12 Aug17 AugWeek 6
 19 Aug24 AugWeek 7
  26-Aug31-AugWeek 8


7-SepWeek 9


 14-SepWeek 10

16-Sep Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday & Malaysia Day


 21-SepWeek 11


28-SepWeek 12
 30-Sep 5-OctWeek 13
  7-Oct 12-OctWeek 14
 14-Oct16-Oct Self Study


 19-Oct Final Examination
 21-Oct 25-Oct Final Examination
  28-Oct 29-Oct Final Examination
31-Oct Deepavali30-Oct 2-Nov Semester Break
1-Nov Sultan of Perak’s Birthday
  4-Nov 9-Nov Semester Break
  11 Nov 17 Nov Semester Break

* When a public holiday falls on Sunday, the holiday is substituted with the following working Monday/ working day

**Orientation (Jul 2024 sem) – Not compulsary for returning students

Note: The University reserves the right to amend as and when required

Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
   Registration (12 Oct) – Sat
  14-Oct18-OctOrientation Week (14 Oct – 18 Oct)
 21-Oct25-OctWeek 1 – Class starts (21 Oct)
31-Oct Thu Deepavali28-Oct2-NovDeepavali Break
1-Nov Fri Sultan of Perak’s Birthday4-Nov8-NovWeek 2
 11 Nov15 NovWeek 3
Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
 18-Nov  **Registration & Orientation – 18 Nov (Mon)
  19-Nov  23-Nov Week 1 – Class starts for all (19 Nov)
 25-Nov30-NovWeek 2
 2-Dec7-DecWeek 3
 9-Dec14-DecWeek 4
 16-Dec21-DecWeek 5
25-Dec Wed Christmas Day23-Dec28-DecWeek
1-Jan Wed New Year30-Dec4-JanWeek 7
 6-Jan11-JanWeek 8
 13-Jan18-JanWeek 9


25-JanWeek 10
29 Jan Wed Chinese New Year27-Jan1-FebMid-sem Break
 3-Feb8-FebWeek 11
11 Feb Tue Thaipusam10-Feb15-FebWeek 12
 17-Feb22-FebWeek 13
 24-Feb1-MarWeek 14
 3-Mar8-MarStudy Week
 10-Mar15-Mar Final Examination
17 Mar Mon Nuzul Al-Quran17-Mar22-Mar Final Examination
 24-Mar29-Mar Semester Break
31 Mar Mon Hari Raya Aidilfitri31-Mar5-Apr Semester Break
 7-Apr12-Apr Semester Break

* When a public holiday falls on Sunday, the holiday is substituted with the following working Monday/ working day

**Registration and Orientation (Nov 2024 sem) – for late registration students who did not manage to go through orientation in MOOC semester

Note: The University reserves the right to amend as and when required