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Postgraduate Programmes

Overview of
Postgraduate Programmes

QIU provides excellent research facilities and services for postgraduate students. With a diverse pool of academic professional to supervise research projects in a simulating environment, the programmes offer working adults a chance to elevate their career.

A wide range of programmes from Business to Education and research in the fields of Science are available. Classes are held part time and full time, through research and coursework to suit working adults.

Programme code: (R/0500/7/0011) (03/27) (MQA/FA5374)

Mode of Offer: By Research

Duration: Full-time: Minimum 2 years/Maximum 4 years
Part-time: Minimum 3 years/ Maximum 6 years

Intakes: January, April, July and October

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Programme code: (R/0111/7/0009) (06/29) (MQA/FA10747)

Programme delivery: Conventional (Modular)

Mode of Offer: Coursework

Duration: Full Time: 1 Year Minimum | 2 Years Maximum
Part Time: 2 Year Minimum | 4 Years Maximum

Intakes: February, May, August, November

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Programme code: (R2/0414/7/0150) (04/31) (MQA/FA3704)

Programme delivery: Conventional (Blended & Modular)

Mode of Offer: Coursework

Duration: Full time: 1 year (min); 4 years (max)
Part time: 2 years 5 months (min); 5 years (max)

Intakes: February, May, August, November

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Programme code: (N/0414/7/0191) (12/27) (MQA/FA14141)

Programme delivery: Open Distance Learning

Mode of Offer: Coursework

Duration: Full time: 1 year (min); 4 years (max)
Part time: 2.5 years (min); 5 years (max)

Intakes: February, May, August, November

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time, Open Distance Learning

Programme code: (R/0114/7/0014) (07/29) (MQA/FA10745)

Programme delivery: Conventional (Modular)

Mode of Offer: Coursework

Duration: Full-time:
Minimum 1 year Maximum 3 years
Minimum 2 years Maximum 4 years

Intakes: February, May, August, November

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Programme code: (N/0916/7/0007) (05/31) (MQA/PA17266)

Programme delivery: By Research

Duration: Full-time: Minimum 2 years/Maximum 4 years
Part-time: Minimum 3 years/ Maximum 5 years

Intakes: January, April, July and October

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Programme code: (N/0610/7/0004) (08/31)(MQA/PA17686)

Duration: 2-4 years | Full time
3-6 years | Part time

Intakes: January, April, July, October

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Programme code: (R/0500/8/0004) (06/28) (MQA/FA6153)

Duration: Full-time: Minimum : 3 years, Maximum : 5 years.
Part-time: Minimum : 4 years, Maximum: 6 years.

Intakes: January, April, July and October

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Programme code: (N/0916/8/0004) (03/31) (MQA/PA17267)

Full-time – Minimum : 3 years, Maximum : 5 years |
Part-time – Minimum : 4 years, Maximum: 7 years

Intakes: January, April, July and October

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Programme code: (N/0110/8/0011) (07/30) (MQA/PA16662)


Full-time – Minimum: 3 years, Maximum : 6 years
Part-time – Minimum : 4 years, Maximum: 8 years

Intakes: January, April, July and October

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Programme code: (N/0610/8/0003) (08/31) (MQA/PA17685)

Duration: 3-6 years | Full time 4-8 years | Part time

Intakes: January, April, July, October

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Programme code: (R/0414/8/0068) (04/26) (MQA/FA8205)

Full-time – Minimum : 3 years, Maximum : 5 years |
Part-time – Minimum : 4 years, Maximum: 6 years

Intakes: January, April, July and October

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Programme code: (R/0414/8/0067) (11/26) (MQA/FA8155)

Mode of Offer: Mixed Mode

Duration: Full-time:3 years – 4 years

Intakes: April, July, November

Mode of Study: Full-Time, Part-Time

Why Choose QIU?

No One Left Behind

We’ve implemented multiple strategies and initiatives, ensuring that students master their lessons at their own pace. Our unique brand of education doesn’t leave anyone by the wayside.

Creating Global Graduates

English opens windows of opportunity around the world, and it’s used throughout QIU so our graduates have an advantage in the job market. If you’re not confident, we’ll help you get where you want to be.

Industry Experts

More than half of our academics come from an industry background. They’ve been there and done that in the real world, and they’ll help you do the same.

Teaching – Learning Strategies

Student-centred, Experiential, Active learning Case Studies, Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

Technology & Facilities

QIU provides the latest in technology & facilities to ensure students stay relevant

Graduate Research Assistantship / Graduate Assistantship Application Guidelines

The Graduate Research Assistantship / Graduate Assistantship Application is open to all Malaysians and International citizens.  Successful candidates will be assigned a supervisor at the time of appointment. The GRA/ GA Supervisor is responsible for providing guidance and support to the graduate assistant on the tasks to be performed as GRA/ GA and for verifying claims; this Supervisor is to be differentiated from the Research Supervisor who is assigned to supervise the research conducted by students on a research mode post-graduate programme. The GRA/ GA Supervisor may also be the Research Supervisor.

Eligibility Criteria
  1. The candidate has been enrolled / offered candidature to study on a full time basis in a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Quest International University;
  2. The candidate enrolled in a Master’s/ Doctoral level programme must possess at least a Bachelor’s/ Master’s degree in a related discipline. The CGPA at the entry level should be more than 3.50, or a CGPA of more than 3.00 with a minimum of two (2) years working experience in a relevant field;
  3. Possess a good command of the English language, both written and spoken;
  4. Able to work independently with minimal supervision.
Form of Emolument
  1. The stipend for GRA/ GA at the Master’s level is RM 1000 per month while that for the Doctoral level is RM 1500 per month;
  2. The actual allowance paid will be based on the claim submitted by the GRA/ GA every month and verified by the GRA/ GA Supervisor. Claims are to be submitted by the end of the first week of the following month.
  3. Tuition fee waiver may be offered to Graduate Assistants on a case-by-case basis, but not to Graduate Research Assistants. If tuition fees are waived, all other fees are to be borne by the GRA/ GA and are to be paid by the GRA/ GA in a timely manner.
Terms and Conditions
  1. Enrolled as a student on a full-time academic load every semester;
  2. Maintain a minimum GPA and CGPA of 3.00 every semester, if enrolled in a taught post-graduate programme;
  3. Submit a research progress report every month in a timely manner and maintain satisfactory progress every semester as evaluated by the Research Supervisor, if enrolled in a research mode post-graduate programme;
  4. Complete the programme within the stipulated time frame as a full-time student;
  5. Complete a minimum of 20 working hours per month. If the maximum working hours is not achieved, a prorate allowance will be provided based on the number of working hours;
  6. Be assigned to undergraduate and/ or postgraduate activities including, but not limited to lectures, tutorials, practical classes,  seminars and research;
  7. Perform duties and responsibilities assigned as GRA/ GA in a thorough, timely, and professional manner. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the assistantship despite having fulfilled all other terms and conditions. The GRA/ GA Supervisor is responsible for evaluating the work performance;
  8. Publish at least one (1) paper in a scholarly journal during the candidature, (Scopus-indexed for GRA);
  9. Comply with all legal and ethical policies including those governing the use and care of animals, biosafety, and human participants; and
  10. Not allowed to receive any other financial support or scholarship/ fellowship, and should not be engaged in any type of employment outside the university.


The University reserves the right to terminate the financial aid offered if the appointed GRA/ GA fails to comply with any of the Terms and Conditions stated, and/ or is unable to perform the tasks assigned satisfactorily.

Application Process
  • Applicants may apply for the scheme using the prescribed form (QIU-CPGS-SOP01-F01).
  • The application procedure is as outlined in QIU-CPGS-SOP01 Graduate Assistantship Application (which includes attending an interview, if recommended by the Faculty Dean and Director of CPGS)


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Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
 1 Jul6 JulRegistration – 1 Jul (Mon)
 ** Orientation Week
2 – 6 Jul (Tue – Sat)
 *8 Jul Awal Muharram9 Jul13 JulWeek 1 – Class Starts (9 Jul)
 15 Jul20 JulWeek 2
 22 Jul27 JulWeek 3
 29 Jul3 AugWeek 4
 5 Aug10 AugWeek 5
 12 Aug17 AugWeek 6
 19 Aug24 AugWeek 7
  26-Aug31-AugWeek 8


7-SepWeek 9


 14-SepWeek 10

16-Sep Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday & Malaysia Day


 21-SepWeek 11


28-SepWeek 12
 30-Sep 5-OctWeek 13
  7-Oct 12-OctWeek 14
 14-Oct16-Oct Self Study


 19-Oct Final Examination
 21-Oct 25-Oct Final Examination
  28-Oct 29-Oct Final Examination
31-Oct Deepavali30-Oct 2-Nov Semester Break
1-Nov Sultan of Perak’s Birthday
  4-Nov 9-Nov Semester Break
  11 Nov 17 Nov Semester Break

* When a public holiday falls on Sunday, the holiday is substituted with the following working Monday/ working day

**Orientation (Jul 2024 sem) – Not compulsary for returning students

Note: The University reserves the right to amend as and when required

Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
   Registration (12 Oct) – Sat
  14-Oct18-OctOrientation Week (14 Oct – 18 Oct)
 21-Oct25-OctWeek 1 – Class starts (21 Oct)
31-Oct Thu Deepavali28-Oct2-NovDeepavali Break
1-Nov Fri Sultan of Perak’s Birthday4-Nov8-NovWeek 2
 11 Nov15 NovWeek 3
Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
 18-Nov  **Registration & Orientation – 18 Nov (Mon)
  19-Nov  23-Nov Week 1 – Class starts for all (19 Nov)
 25-Nov30-NovWeek 2
 2-Dec7-DecWeek 3
 9-Dec14-DecWeek 4
 16-Dec21-DecWeek 5
25-Dec Wed Christmas Day23-Dec28-DecWeek
1-Jan Wed New Year30-Dec4-JanWeek 7
 6-Jan11-JanWeek 8
 13-Jan18-JanWeek 9


25-JanWeek 10
29 Jan Wed Chinese New Year27-Jan1-FebMid-sem Break
 3-Feb8-FebWeek 11
11 Feb Tue Thaipusam10-Feb15-FebWeek 12
 17-Feb22-FebWeek 13
 24-Feb1-MarWeek 14
 3-Mar8-MarStudy Week
 10-Mar15-Mar Final Examination
17 Mar Mon Nuzul Al-Quran17-Mar22-Mar Final Examination
 24-Mar29-Mar Semester Break
31 Mar Mon Hari Raya Aidilfitri31-Mar5-Apr Semester Break
 7-Apr12-Apr Semester Break

* When a public holiday falls on Sunday, the holiday is substituted with the following working Monday/ working day

**Registration and Orientation (Nov 2024 sem) – for late registration students who did not manage to go through orientation in MOOC semester

Note: The University reserves the right to amend as and when required