
Bachelor of Electronics Technology with Honours

(N/0713/6/0037) (03/29) (MQA/PA16954)

Explore Programme

Key Information


April, July, November

Programme Duration

3 years | Full-time

Mode of Study


Programme Level

The Bachelor of Electronics Technology (Hons)programme is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the fast-evolving field of electronics. This programme offers a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, ensuring graduates are well-prepared to meet industry demands. The curriculum focuses on hands-on skills, with a strong emphasis on cutting-edge technologies, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the latest advancements in electronics.

Career Prospects

Graduates of the Bachelor of Electronics Technology (Hons) programme can pursue a wide range of career opportunities, including:


PEO1Graduate technologists practice and solve problems in electronics technology related fields.
PEO2Graduate technologists who pursue continuous professional development and adapt to evolving technologies in electronics technology related fields.
PEO3Graduate technologists who practice professional ethics and entrepreneurship to meet the needs of the society.


PLO1 – KnowledgeApply the knowledge of technology fundamental to broadly defined procedures, processes, systems and methodologies in the field of electronics.
PLO2 – Practical Skills and High TechnologyPropose and employ current tools and techniques to resolve broadly defined problems.
PLO3 – Analytical, Critical Thinking and Scientific ApproachDemonstrate deep investigative and significant thinking abilities to solve broadly defined problems in the field of electronics.
PLO4 – Communication SkillsCommunicate effectively and flexibly in oral and written language for social, academic and professional purposes.
PLO5 – Social Responsibility in Society and Technologist CommunityIllustrate the understanding of corresponding issues related to the society and the subsequent
responsibilities to the broadly defined electronics technology practices.
PLO6-Lifelong Learning and Information ManagementAcknowledge the requirement of professional establishment and to employ independent continuing learning in electronic technology.
PLO7-Technopreneurship and Management Skills
Illustrate consciousness of management and technopreneurship routine in real perspective.
PLO8-Ethics and ProfessionalismIllustrate ethical awareness and professionalism.
PLO9-Teamwork and LeadershipIllustrate leadership character, mentoring and work efficiently in diverse teams.

Join our Bachelor of Electronics Technology (Hons)  programme and be at the forefront of technological innovation. With a strong foundation in electronics and a focus on emerging technologies, you’ll be prepared for a dynamic and exciting career.

    1. Pass STPM or its equivalent with at least Grade C (CGPA 2.00) in TWO (2) subjects; or
    2. Pass Matriculation / Foundation in any IPTA / IPTS /permitted institutions to conductfoundation programmes with CGPA 2.00; or
    3. Pass Diploma in related disciplines with CGPA 2.00; or
    4. Pass Advanced Diploma in related disciplines with CGPA 2.00; or
    5. Pass UEC with at least Grade B in FIVE (5) subjects; or
    6. Pass STAM (Grade Jayyid) or its equivalent; or
    7. Other recognised qualifications or its equivalent; or
    8. Pass APEL.A assessment and possess relevant work experience (at least 21 years old)
General Studies Subjects
Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban
Philosophy and Current Issues
Bahasa Kebangsaan (A)/ English for Academic Purposes
Integrity and Anti-Corruption
Community Service
University Courses
Digital Skills and Services
Creativity and Innovation
General Interest Course
Core Courses
Common Core Subjects
Calculus and Linear Algebra
Computer Programming
Vector Calculus & Differential Equations
Object Oriented Programming
Numerical Analysis and probability
Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)
Engineering Management & Maintenance
Discipline Core Subjects
(Electrical & Electronics)
Digital Logic Design
Circuit Theory
Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation
Electronic Devices and Circuits
Testing and Calibration Systems
Electronic Circuit Analysis
Microprocessor Architecture & Programming
Signal & Systems
Integrated Circuit Applications
Machine Vision
Control Systems
Power Electronics and Drives
VLSI Technology
Electric Vehicle Technology
Discipline Core Subjects
(Projects & Internship)
Final Year Project 1
Capstone Project
Final Year Project 2
Industrial Training
Elective Courses
Choose one (1) only
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Machine Learning
Embedded Systems
Introduction to Robotics
Optical Communication
Electronic Commerce
Industrial Electronics
Big Data Analytics
Wireless Network
Micro Electro Mechanical System

For enquiries on our programme fees and funding, please fill up the form below or you may contact our Student Recruitment Division representative. We offer many funding opportunities to support students. Check out our Financial Assistance Page to find out more.

Not sure about something? Need help choosing the perfect course for you? Fill up the form and we’ll be in touch!

Enquiries 2025

Book a session with our Student Recruiters!

Complete the form below and we will be in touch!

All fields are required.

Programme code: (N/0713/6/0037) (03/29) (MQA/PA16954)

Duration: 3 years | Full-time

Intakes: April, July, November

Mode of Study: Full-Time

Programme code: (N/0721/6/0004) (03/29) (MQA/PA17213)

Duration: 3 years | Full-time

Intakes: April, July, November

Mode of Study: Full-Time

Programme code: (R2/0412/6/0041) (01/28) (MQA/FA2256)

Duration: 3 years | Full-time

Intakes: April, July, September / October

Mode of Study: Full-Time


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Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
 1 Jul6 JulRegistration – 1 Jul (Mon)
 ** Orientation Week
2 – 6 Jul (Tue – Sat)
 *8 Jul Awal Muharram9 Jul13 JulWeek 1 – Class Starts (9 Jul)
 15 Jul20 JulWeek 2
 22 Jul27 JulWeek 3
 29 Jul3 AugWeek 4
 5 Aug10 AugWeek 5
 12 Aug17 AugWeek 6
 19 Aug24 AugWeek 7
  26-Aug31-AugWeek 8


7-SepWeek 9


 14-SepWeek 10

16-Sep Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday & Malaysia Day


 21-SepWeek 11


28-SepWeek 12
 30-Sep 5-OctWeek 13
  7-Oct 12-OctWeek 14
 14-Oct16-Oct Self Study


 19-Oct Final Examination
 21-Oct 25-Oct Final Examination
  28-Oct 29-Oct Final Examination
31-Oct Deepavali30-Oct 2-Nov Semester Break
1-Nov Sultan of Perak’s Birthday
  4-Nov 9-Nov Semester Break
  11 Nov 17 Nov Semester Break

* When a public holiday falls on Sunday, the holiday is substituted with the following working Monday/ working day

**Orientation (Jul 2024 sem) – Not compulsary for returning students

Note: The University reserves the right to amend as and when required

Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
   Registration (12 Oct) – Sat
  14-Oct18-OctOrientation Week (14 Oct – 18 Oct)
 21-Oct25-OctWeek 1 – Class starts (21 Oct)
31-Oct Thu Deepavali28-Oct2-NovDeepavali Break
1-Nov Fri Sultan of Perak’s Birthday4-Nov8-NovWeek 2
 11 Nov15 NovWeek 3
Public HolidaysWeek startWeek endAcademic Week
 18-Nov  **Registration & Orientation – 18 Nov (Mon)
  19-Nov  23-Nov Week 1 – Class starts for all (19 Nov)
 25-Nov30-NovWeek 2
 2-Dec7-DecWeek 3
 9-Dec14-DecWeek 4
 16-Dec21-DecWeek 5
25-Dec Wed Christmas Day23-Dec28-DecWeek
1-Jan Wed New Year30-Dec4-JanWeek 7
 6-Jan11-JanWeek 8
 13-Jan18-JanWeek 9


25-JanWeek 10
29 Jan Wed Chinese New Year27-Jan1-FebMid-sem Break
 3-Feb8-FebWeek 11
11 Feb Tue Thaipusam10-Feb15-FebWeek 12
 17-Feb22-FebWeek 13
 24-Feb1-MarWeek 14
 3-Mar8-MarStudy Week
 10-Mar15-Mar Final Examination
17 Mar Mon Nuzul Al-Quran17-Mar22-Mar Final Examination
 24-Mar29-Mar Semester Break
31 Mar Mon Hari Raya Aidilfitri31-Mar5-Apr Semester Break
 7-Apr12-Apr Semester Break

* When a public holiday falls on Sunday, the holiday is substituted with the following working Monday/ working day

**Registration and Orientation (Nov 2024 sem) – for late registration students who did not manage to go through orientation in MOOC semester

Note: The University reserves the right to amend as and when required